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Postby Milutinov Tata » 01 Jan 2012, 09:19


Nema boljeg trenutka za pocetak teme o Olimpijskom teniskom turniru, od prvog dana olimpijske godine :) .

Od 27. jula do 12. avgusta 2012, London ce ugostiti najbolje sportiste sveta na 30. Letnjim Olimpijskim igrama. U okviru igara ce biti odrzan i turnir u tenisu. Mesto odrzavanja "hram" tenisa - Vimbldon. Podloga travnata, ali ne ona po kojoj ce par nedelja ranije igrati teniseri i teniserke u borbi za najprestizniji trofej, vec specijalno uzgajana i tretirana, koja ce zameniti onu koja nije "prezivela" dve nedelje konstantnog tabanja. Kolorit oko terena nece biti zelen, logo igra ce biti iscrtan oko terena, a praksa je bila da se i na samom terenu takodje "ugravira" logo i ime grada domacina. Videcemo da li ce se ta tradicija ispostovati :biggrin: . Teniseri i teniserke nece biti u obavezi da se pojave u trdicionalno beloj opremi, vec ce slobodno moci da nose boje svojih zemalja. Za igru ce se sigurno koristiti Centralni teren i Teren broj 1. Jagode sa slagom ce verovatno preziveti, pa ce i posetioci olimpijskog turnira moce da osete pravi duh Vimbldona. Karte planule (Liv nadam se da si se obezbedila na vreme da te ne "skalpiraju" :biggrin: ), ne znam da li ce u opticaju biti i Henmanovo brdo. U kraljevsku lozu ce se umesto rojalitija, sjatiti vrhuska MOK-a i njihovi gosti. Dakle sve ce biti isto, ali malo drugcije :biggrin: .


Prvi put posle 1924. godine na Olimpijskom teniskom turniru, sem singl i dubl takmicenja u obe konkurencije, ce biti odrzan i turnir u mesovitim parovima. Takmicenje ce trajati jedna dan duze i pocinje vec u subotu 28. jula, a zavrsava se u nedelju 5. avgusta. Igrace se na dva dobijena seta. Jedini izuzetak je finale muskog singla, koje ce biti odigrano na tri dobijena seta. U mesovitim parovima ce trece set biti igran kao Super TB do 10. Sistem je klasican, na ispadanje, s tim da porazeni u polufinalu igraju mec za bronzanu medalju.


Singl - 64. 56 prema rang listi, dan posle muskog finala na Rolan Garosu, 11. juna 2012. ITF dodeljuje jos 6 pozivnica, a preostala 2 mesta ce biti specijalne pozivnice. Maksimalan broj ucesnika iz jedne zemlje - 4.

Dubl - 32 para. 24 direktan nastup na osnovu singl i dubl liste od 11.juna 2012. Prvih deset tenisera sa dubl liste idu direktno i biraju svoje partnere. ITF dodeljuje jos 8 pozivnica. Svi igraci koji nastupaju u singlu mogu da nastupe i u dublu. Maksimalan broj ucesnika iz jedne zemlje - 2 para, tj. 4 igraca, ali ukupan broj ucesnika iz jedne zemlje (singl + dubl) ne sme biti veci od 6.

Miks - 16 parova. 12 direktno na osnovu singl i dubl liste od 11. juna 2012. ITF dodeljuje jos 4 pozivnice. Miks mogu igrati samo igraci koji su vec na listi ucesnika u singlu ili dublu.

Naravno svi koji zele da igraju na OI, moraju da budu u dobrim odnosima sa svojim nacionalnim savezima :biggrin: , tj da bar u toku dve godine odazovu pozivu selektora za Davis Kup ili FED Kup tokom cetvrogodisnjeg olimpijskog ciklusa.


Muski singl - 28. jul - 5.avgust

Zenski singl - 28. jul - 4. avgust

Muski dubl - 28. jul - 4.avgust

Zenski dubl- 28.jul - 5. avgudt

Miks - 1.avgust - 5.avgust

Branioci titula:

Muski singl - Rafael Nadal (Spanija)


Zenski singl - Elena Demetieva (Rusija)


Muski dubl - Rodzer Federer i Stanislas Vavrinka (Svajcarska)


Zenski dubl - Venus i Serena Vilijams (SAD)


I naravno da ne zaboravimo i naseg junaka iz Pekinga, osvajaca bronzane medalje, Novaka Djokovica


Sajt Olimpijskog teniskog turnira

#10 Gracias Dios, por el fútbol, por Maradona, por estas lágrimas.

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Postby Liv » 01 Jan 2012, 14:32

Jaaaooo jedva cekam, vreme za naplatu :angel2: Karata nema ni za lek :sakaosto: Ali ne brinem jos uvek, nadam se da ce se pojaviti neka kad krenu desavanja.
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Postby Liv » 18 Jan 2012, 16:39

London 2012: Miloslav Mecir on winning tennis gold in Seoul
Spoiler: pokaži
Seoul '88 was a great experience for me - I prepared and played very well, and it remains an unbelievable memory.
Mecir acquired his imposing nickname after repeatedly defeating the Swedish tennis stars of the era: Mats Wilander, Stefan Edberg, Anders Jarryd and Joakim Nystrom.

I was very much looking forward to going because, from a young age, I had always followed the Olympics and it was a big event for me. I was really happy to be there with other sportsmen and the atmosphere in Seoul was great.

I had done well in Wimbledon that year, reaching the semi-finals, and I had won some tournaments by the time the Olympics arrived in September.

Despite having a few problems with my back, I was still in quite good shape and my form was pretty solid. I had changed my game a little bit over time and adapted from being a clay-court player to playing well on grass and the type of hard courts they were using at the Olympics.

It felt great to be representing Czechoslovakia at the Games - it was like a dream come true. It was such a big thing back home, probably the biggest sporting event the nation had experienced up until that point.

Four years before, tennis had been at Los Angeles as an exhibition event and I had been looking forward to going but the Eastern Bloc was boycotting.

I could never mix politics with sports - it goes against my mentality. I was really unhappy that I couldn't go. I was playing a tournament in the US during the Olympic Games and it was a sad time. It was strange that I could play in the ATP tournament but I couldn't go to the Olympics.

The atmosphere at the Games when I finally got there four years later, well, I felt everything. I didn't feel like a tennis player in Seoul, I felt like a sportsman.

The event was smaller than a Grand Slam but in terms of the Olympic Village, it was huge. Just being there will all these other sportspeople was so special. I remember seeing Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson, big stars that before I'd only ever seen on the TV. And there were so many Czech sportsmen, from our handball team, basketball and cycling, who I'd never met before, and lots of them came to watch me play.

I lived in the Village in a big apartment with some of the players and a coach, and the girls were next door, Jana Novotna and others.

I had never played tennis in South Korea before and as it was September it was pretty comfortable, sometimes humid or windy but not very hot.

My form going into the tournament was good but I didn't feel particularly special until I came through a tough match in the first round which helped me to improve my game. The longer I played, the better I played.

I got some inspiration two days before my semi-final when I watched our man Jozef Pribilinec win the 20km walk, and afterwards I went to his room where we had a little talk and he showed me his medal. It was a really great feeling.

When the final started I was a little bit nervous as I had only played once before against Tim Mayotte and I'd lost the match.

I didn't really know how I was going to have to play but after losing the first set I started to improve and use the right tactics, passing him at the net a couple of times. He started getting a little bit nervous and frustrated and from then on I felt that I was in control of the game right up to the end.

When I won I felt all sorts of emotions at the same time - it's difficult to realise at the time what's really happened, but I felt great happiness.

These days I feel it a little more when people ask me about it. I still have my medals back home and I do sometimes show them to younger guys, sportsmen, or to school children. It still gives me satisfaction.

It is fair to say that it wasn't a top-level field in Seoul. Everybody who wanted to come in 1988 did come, but others were not sure whether it was a big event or not.

I do think that has changed now and modern tennis players think about the Olympics as a big event. They really have respect for the Games and top guys have won it - Andre Agassi, Rafael Nadal. I think it has great prestige. Tennis is just as valid at the Olympics as other ball sports like football or table tennis. It's one of the most popular sports in the world.

And it's great that Wimbledon will host the Olympic tennis in London. I think combining the tradition of Wimbledon as a Grand Slam with the Olympics coming to the venue will be fantastic.

I cross my fingers for the players at the Games, it's a fantastic feeling to be there, to compete and to be part of the biggest sports movement in the world. If I had to say one thing to them it would be 'give your heart to the Games'.

Mecir is the Slovakian Davis Cup captain and will lead his side against Great Britain in Glasgow next month. He was also the last man to use a wooden racket in a Grand Slam final when he lost to Ivan Lendl at the 1986 US Open.
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Postby alcesta » 22 Jan 2012, 17:03

Izgleda da Francuzi ipak neće progledati kroz prste Bartoli za OI: ... rance-feud

Ciao, ima li nekih ekskluzivnih informacija? :biggrin:
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Postby Opojni zumbul » 03 Feb 2012, 00:15

Može li mi neko detaljnije objasniti u čemu je problem sa Bartoli?
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Postby Liv » 03 Feb 2012, 00:29

Objasnice ti ciao, ona je na licu mesta :D
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Postby ciao » 03 Feb 2012, 00:40

Uh izvinjavam se nisam uopste videla ovu temu :morning:
pod hitno cu da istrazim najnovija desavanja u detalje i podnosim izvestaj :laugh:
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Postby Liv » 03 Feb 2012, 00:58

Mislim da Agy ne zna u cemu je problem bio u startu. Ukratko, Bartoli je insistirala da s njom ide i tata a to nije po pravilima reprezentacije. Tj. to je bio problem cini mi se kad je trebalo da igra za Fed tim i mislim da se odnosi i na Olimpijadu. Tata moze da ide s njom samo kao gledalac a njoj to nije odgovaralo jer hoce stalno da bude s njom, oni imaju neke specijalne vezbe koje rade itd.

Bartoli has feuded with the French federation over her independent coaching set-up with her father, who has not been allowed to coach during the Fed Cup.
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Postby Dejan » 17 Feb 2012, 14:17

Kvitova and Stepanek to play 2012 London Olympics mixed doubles

Petra Kvitova announced that she will team with Radek Stepanek to play the mixed doubles at the 2012 London Olympics.

Stepanek won his maiden Grand Slam title at the Australian Open when he and Leander Paes won the doubles final.

Kvitova says, “As an experienced doubles player, Radek will be the leader.”

Kvitova first though about playing with Tomas Berdych as they played together in January to give the Czech Republic its second Hopman Cup title.

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Postby Gama » 08 Mar 2012, 18:08

Bartoli o mogucnosti da zaigra na olimpijadi...
“I think I will be more sure to play the Olympics inside my home garden putting in the nets on my own grass than play the real one in Wimbledon,” Bartoli joked.

Bartoli said she doesn’t plan to appeal the FFT’s decision to the Court of Arbitration for Sport.

“I’m strong but I do feel like I do not have the strength to handle all of that,” she said. “It’s a huge process and it takes so long and you have to go to Lausanne [Switzerland] and do your appeal and everything. I don’t feel I have the time and the strength. I’m fully committed to my hard work and training and I just can’t commit myself to another thing.”

Bartoli’s absence from London will be a significant blow to the women’s tournament. Her flat-hitting game has always been suited for the grass at Wimbledon, where she upset Justine Henin to reach the 2007 final and knocked off Serena Williams as part of a quarterfinal run last year. As it is, Bartoli might have to watch the festivities from home.

“If I don’t [play in London], then I will play the Wii and feel like it’s the same,” Bartoli said, laughing.

:laugh:, bar je okrenula na salu. Steta a i za cudjenje je sto otac nije popustio federaciji.
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Postby Gama » 22 Mar 2012, 09:19

The Serbian tennis players have decided to forgo a stay at the Olympic Village during London 2012 and have instead opted to stay at a nearby house in Wimbledon.

“It’s true, we’re gonna stay in a house nearby, because it’s more I think convenient for us to be closer to the Wimbledon tennis courts and be able to come on time for practise, for matches, and not to be worried about the traffic in London that can be horrible sometimes,” said the world No. 1.

“We do feel a little sad and maybe regret that we’re not staying in Olympic Village, because Viktor (Troicki) is the only one of us four that hasn’t played Olympic Games. He would really love to stay in the Village, but he understands that it’s maybe better for his performance to stay close by.”

“Who is going to be the host? We’re all men in the house, so I don’t know. We’ll try to get a woman at least, you know, to take care of us,” he joked.
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Postby Dejan » 23 Mar 2012, 17:49

Night play at Wimbledon likely
Turn on the lights, Wimbledon. The Olympics are coming.

Some tennis matches during the London Games are likely to be played under the lights and roof on Centre Court at Wimbledon.

Organizers say lights will be a necessity because of the tight schedule. Early in the tournament, five matches per day are planned on Centre Court beginning at 11:30 a.m., meaning some sessions will probably extend beyond dusk.

If so, the Centre Court lights will be turned on and the roof closed. The change, made at the discretion of the referee, may take place during a match.

Rain -- always a possibility in England -- might also push play into the evening.

by The Associated Press

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Postby Dejan » 02 Apr 2012, 13:27

Preparing the Wimbledon grass for the Olympics

The New York Times once called him ‘Wimbledon’s Wizard of the Lawn’. If Roger Federer, Pete Sampras and Martina Navratilova are the finest grass-court players of the modern age, Eddie Seaward’s work is worthy of a golden lawnmower, or whatever else you give to the man who knows more about the All England Club’s turf than anyone else alive.

And yet, before Seaward retires this summer, after more than 20 years caring for Centre Court and the other lawns, he must first deal with his greatest challenge.

Just 20 days after the completion of this summer’s Championships, the Olympic tennis event will begin at the All England Club. So this is a long way from being a normal year; he is not being allowed to ease into retirement. As Seaward, the head groundsman, put it, “the small gap creates a big challenge”. They can’t just follow the usual post-Championships renovation programme.

“We’ve had Davis Cup ties before, soon after the Championships, but that’s only one court, and there will be 10 match courts for the Olympics. And it’s much higher profile. There are fewer matches for the Olympics than for a grand slam, and the matches are shorter, but it’s going to be very high profile,” Seaward said, chatting in the spring sunshine on Centre Court.

But do not be alarmed. The quality of the grass will be as high as ever on the match courts when the Olympic rings are in town. Seward said he was sure that his staff could meet the challenge. He is not about to sign off with some sub-standard lawns. “We have 20 days between The Championships and the Olympics, and we’re confident that we can get the grass back on the baselines. On the practice courts, it’s a different issue, as the players will start practising about a week after The Championships finish, and we won’t have time to do much in that time. The practice courts will be as they are at the end of The Championships. At the end of the Olympics, my successor will have a month less time to prepare the grass for the 2013 Championships, and to do the renovation programme,” said Seaward.

The groundstaff are not going to use different grasses this year. But they are going to be sowing pre-germinated grasses. “We’re using the same grasses. Between the two events, we’re going to be sowing grasses which are pre-germinated – in other words, they would have already started to grow. That should take about three days. In a normal year, we would soak the courts at the end of The Championships, because they’re usually very dry, and then leave them for about a week. Also, the groundstaff usually need to recover as they will be tired after The Championships,” Seaward said.

“Then, in a normal year, we would take the top off the courts. Then we would aerate the grass, seed it down, and start to get it ready for the next year. At the end of The Championships, we usually rip it all out and then put it back and start again. In very basic terms, that’s the normal programme for a normal year. And that programme will continue, it’s just that we have to condense it after the Olympics.”
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Postby Gama » 09 Apr 2012, 21:36

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Postby Milutinov Tata » 10 Apr 2012, 21:28

Mari: "Olimpijada je velika stvar"

Britanski teniser Endi Mari izjavio je da će na Olimpijskim igrama u Londonu učestvovati najbolji igrači i da će to biti kao peti Grend slem u sezoni.

Britanac je trenutno četvrti na ATP listi i do sada nije osvojio neki od četiri najveća turnira, a kaže da su mu ove godine prioriteti Vimbldon i Olimpijske igre.

"Tenis na olimpijskim igrama postaje velika stvar. Svi igraju. Pre 10 ili 15 godina nije bilo tako. Mnogi su preskali olimpijski turnir",

On je rekao da na prošlim OI u Pekingu nije igrao dobro, ali da je to za njega bilo veliko iskustvo.

"Biti u društvu svih vrhunskih sportista sveta i posle takmičenja vraćati se u selo gde su svi odseli. Videti tablu gde su svi osvajači medalja... Bilo bi lepo biti deo toga".

Prema njegovim rečima, čak bi mu i bronzana medalja mnogo značila.

"Vidiš emocije momaka. Novak Đoković je u Pekingu osvojio bronzu i to je bila velika stvar za njega. Kada izgubiš u polufinalu GS turnira ti si razočaran, a kada osvojiš bronzu na OI to je sjajno".

Prema njegovim rečima, Olimpijske igre donose dugačiji osećaj i drugačija je atmosfera nego na turnirima.

"Osećaš da igraš za svoju zemlju. Na turniru igramo svako za sebe. Na OI kada vidite sve zastave i učestvujete na otvaranju, sve je drugačije". ... _id=599376
#10 Gracias Dios, por el fútbol, por Maradona, por estas lágrimas.

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