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Mladi talenti Evrope

Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby lord_slawe_ » 23 Mar 2011, 23:32

Na pokretanje ovog topica dosao sam na ideju gledajuci statistike sa prvih meceva cetvrtfinala Eurocupa. Paznju mi je privukao ucinak momka po imenu Alessandro Gentile koji je bio najbolji igrac Benetona na susretu sa Getingenom. Kako nisam cuo za njega pre ovih research-ova vezanih za Eurocup dao sam se malo u googlanje i listanje relevantnih sajtova vezanih za mlade talente pa cu predstaviti u kratkim crtama ovog momka.

Ideja je da se predstave mladi, talentovani igraci sa Evropskog tla a koji su manje poznati sirem auditorijumu ljubitelja ove igre.
Nemam nista protiv ni da se predstavi po koji igrac sa ovih prostora ali da zadovoljava gorepomenuti kriterijum.

Alessandro Gentile
197cm, SG


Rec je o izdanku Benetonove juniorske skole, Gentile igra na poziciji beka sutera i u perspektivi to je pozicija koja mu najvise odgovara. Na juniorskim turnirima je, zahvaljujuci svojoj visini, cesto igrao i nisko krilo. Prosle godine je poceo da dobija sansu u prvom timu Benetona a ove godine ima, za svoje godine, izvrsnu minutazu - u proseku 20ak minuta po mecu.
Veoma zapazen u mladjim kategorijama, Gentile na sebe paznju privlaci vrlo solidnim i preciznim sutem. Uz brz izbacaj i pravilnu mehaniku istog, Gentile je sposoban da napadne kos iz svih perimeter-pozicija. Kada je rec o pozicijama blize kosu, tu se vec slabije snalazi i gde na videlo dolazi njegovo neiskustvo ali vrlo cesto i nesnalazljivost i bezidejnost.
Defanziva je sigurno ono sto ce morati da popravi u buducnosti. Uz cinjenicu da mu "fali brzine", najvise zamerki je izreceno upravo na igru u odbrani i to je nesto sto ce svakako morati da popravi ukoliko zeli igrati na "velikoj sceni".

Alessandro je sin cuvenog Nanda Gentilea, a na ovim linkovima mozete saznati jos puno stvari ukoliko vas zanima:
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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby lord_slawe_ » 25 Mar 2011, 22:20

Tomas Satoransky
Ceska Republika
198cm, PG


Jedan deo kosarkaske publike ce svakako pomisliti kako momak kojeg cu pokusati da vam predstavim i nije toliko nepoznat. Rec je naravno o simpatizerima Partizana sa kojim je u prethodna dva leta mladi Ceh bio dovodjen u vezu. Ipak, verujem da se generalno malo zna o talentovanom plejmejkeru koji predstavlja lepu perspektivu Ceske kosarke uz Jana Veselog.

Satoransky je sa samo 17 godina dobio sansu u prvom timu USK Praga i momentalno skrenuo paznju na sebe osecajem za igru i zreloscu koju je ispoljavao. Nista spektakularno rekli bi mnogi jer je ipak rec o Ceskoj ligi. Ipak, mladog Ceha su veoma brzo zapazili brojni Evropski klubovi a najbrza i najkonkretnija je bila Cajasol Sevilla za koju sada nastupa, drugu godinu za redom.
Satoransky poseduje brz prvi korak, koji u kombinaciji sa veoma dobrom tehnikom koja ga karakterise predstavlja njegov veliki kvalitet. Odlican pregled igre omogucuje mu da cesto pronadje slobodnog igraca kojem ce vrlo rado uruciti asistenciju. Sa druge strane, sut je nesto na cemu ce morati da poradi, iako primecujem da ove godine izgleda dosta bolje nego prosle. Solidno se snalazi oko kosa a njegova nekarakteristicna visina za poziciju koju igra ce mu u buducnosti pruziti jos vise mogucnosti u ofanzivi.
Jos uvek je neformiran igrac s obzirom na njegovu krhku gradju. Licno mu to ne zameram kao manu ali je cinjenica da ce morati makar malo da ojaca jer ima problema sa cuvanjem igraca van svoje pozicije. Poput nama poznatijeg Ceha Veselog, Satoransky je vrlo atraktivan igrac i cesto prodore do kosa zavrsava efektnim zakucavanjem.

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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby lord_slawe_ » 06 Apr 2011, 19:40

Donatas Motiejunas
213 cm, PF / C


Jedan od najvecih talenata na tlu Evrope. Zasluzio je svoj post cinjenicom da je proglasen za "Evropsku zvezdu u usponu", nasledivsi laskavo priznanje od naseg Milana Macvana koji je proslogodisnji laureat.
Rec je o 213cm visokom igracu kojem se u prognozama za buducnost projektuje pozicija 4 kao najbolja za njega. Razloga za to ima nekoliko, pre svega zbog cinjenice da se radi o odlicnom mid-range suteru koji vrlo cesto i uspesno uzima otvorene suteve sa distance. Generalno, cesce napada kos "licem okrenut ka njemu" a veoma dobra brzina i rad nogu koji ga odlikuje mu omogucava jos vise resenja u napadu. Veoma je agilan i pokretljiv za svoju visinu.
Sa druge strane, kao i vecini mladih igraca, najveci problem u igri je defanziva. Jos uvek ne-formiranog gornjeg dela tela, sa primetnim nedostatkom mase, Donatas ima velikih problema da sacuva protivnicke visoke igrace koji su fizicki jaci i cvrsci. Takodje mu se zamera da nedovoljno cesto igra post-up i generalno ne koristi dovoljno svoju visinu i tehniku naspram nizih igraca od sebe.

Mladi Litvanac ove sezone prikazuje odlicne partije u dresu Italijanskog Benetona sa 12 poena i 5 skokova u proseku u svim takmicenjima.
Vrlo izvesno je da ce Motiejunas uzeti ucesce na ovogodisnjem NBA draftu i uz Jana Veselog verovatno ce biti najbolje plasirani Evropljanin.

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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby Talicni Tom » 06 Apr 2011, 22:25

Odlična je tema. Gentilea sam gledao i mogu reći da izgleda mnogo fizički zrelije, odnosno kao da je već formiran igrač fizički. svakom slučaju i tata mu je bio golem.
Kada je riječ o mladim igračima koji bi mogli biti predstavljeni prreporučujem da neko od forumaša iz Hrvatske odradi pregled za Šarića, Air za Micića, a za Bogdana Bogdanovića ću baciti kosku pa ko se izbori :duel: :jumpall:
AirBall wrote:Partizana niko ne sme da krade...
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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby lord_slawe_ » 07 Apr 2011, 16:18

Donatas Motiejunas highlights
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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby pohani komarac » 09 Apr 2011, 12:50

za sarica sve je rekao crnogorski kometator atlas tv vlado perovic za polufinalne utakmice u-16 prvenstva: "Falit će mi epiteta za ovog momka, gospodina, magistra, profesora, doktora košarke Šarića."

reci cu samo bogomdani talent tonija kukoca i glava drazena petrovica
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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby serbianhoops » 09 Apr 2011, 13:40

pohani komarac wrote:za sarica sve je rekao crnogorski kometator atlas tv vlado perovic za polufinalne utakmice u-16 prvenstva: "Falit će mi epiteta za ovog momka, gospodina, magistra, profesora, doktora košarke Šarića."

reci cu samo bogomdani talent tonija kukoca i glava drazena petrovica

Dario's parents Predrag & Veselinka (Crvak) are ethnic Serbs from Croatia. When the war started, they choose to remain on croatian side in order to keep their home and businesses. But they can hide the fact that their ancestors were buried in serbian orthodox cemeteries & that most of their relatives are now living in Serbia as refugee. Relatives who were ashamed by Predrag's decision to baptize Dario & Dana in the Roman Catholic Church knowing that many Crvak from Djevrske (near Sibenik) were killed in Jasenovac.

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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby bekrinjo » 09 Apr 2011, 14:19

Kada se odrzava Nike Hoop Summit,u koliko sati?Slabo se snalazim sa prevodjenjem AM i PM na nase vreme...
Pise da je 9-og u 7 PM.
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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby Filipusis » 09 Apr 2011, 16:21

bekrinjo wrote:Kada se odrzava Nike Hoop Summit,u koliko sati?Slabo se snalazim sa prevodjenjem AM i PM na nase vreme...
Pise da je 9-og u 7 PM.

Ako sam dobro shvatio, trebalo bi da je u 4h ujutru po nasem vremenu, igra se u Portlandu, OR, cije je vreme +9h u odnosu na Beograd...
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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby AirBall » 10 Apr 2011, 11:03

Triple-double na Summitu, Šariću 15 minuta


Četrnaesti tradicionalni Nike Hoop Summit odigran u Portlandu pred skoro devet tisuća gledatelja pripao je Amerikancima

U 14 odigranih susreta bila je to 11. pobjeda mladih Amerikanaca koji su dobili zadnje dvije utakmice. Subotnji susret, prenošen na nacionalnoj američkoj televiziji, odabrani američki srednjoškolci dobili su na krilima Austina Riversa (20 poena), Anthonyja Davisa (16 poena, 10 skokova) i Michaela Gilchrista (16 koševa, 5 blokada).

Momčadi Svijeta nije pomogao ni triple-double njihovog igrača. Član španjolske Fuenlabrade, mladić rodom iz Konga Bismack Biyombo ostvario je prvi triple-double u povijesti Summita.

Osamnaestogodišnji (208) Biyombo, koji bi trebao biti visoko izabran na ovogodišnjem NBA Draftu, za 28 minuta skupio 12 poena, 11 skokova i rekordnih 10 blokada.

Pored njega istaknuo se sa 17 koševa Poljak Mateusz Ponitka, dok je najbolji mladi hrvatski igrač Dario Šarić igrao 15 minuta i za to vrijeme skupio sedam poena (3-6 iz igre) i šest skokova.

USA Downs World Select Team 92-80 In 14th Annual Nike Hoop Summit


The USA Basketball Junior National Select Team’s depth and defense helped it withstand the first triple-double in Nike Hoop Summit history as the Americas rolled to a 92-80 win over the World Select Team Saturday night in front of a national television audience and a Rose Garden crowd of 8,955 in Portland, Ore.

While four U.S. players scored in double-digits and all 10 USA team members put points on the board, Bismack Biyombo (Fuenlabrada, Spain and DR Congo) tallied 12 points, 11 rebounds and a Nike Hoop Summit record 10 blocked shots for the first triple-double in the game’s history.

However, Biyombo’s individual performance was no match for a stellar USA team effort.

“I’m a big believer in having depth, and with this particular team you have quality depth,” said USA head coach Kevin Sutton (Orlando, Fla.). “Having a bench where you could rotate players in freely with very little to no drop off was part of our game plan. We wanted to use our length, we wanted to use our athleticism and we wanted to make it a full court game versus a half court game. So having depth contributed to us being successful tonight.”

The USA was led by 20 points from guard Austin Rivers (Winter Park H.S./Winter Park, Fla.); a double-double of 16 points, 10 rebounds and two blocked shots from 6-9 Anthony Davis (Perspectives Charter/Chicago, Ill.); 16 points, five rebounds and five blocks from 6-7 forward Michael Gilchrist (St. Patrick H.S./Somerdale, N.J.); and 12 points and three assists from guard Quinn Cook (Oak Hill Academy/Bowie, Md.).

“This is my first time playing with USA Basketball, and it’s a great opportunity that I got selected and got to play with them, and playing against the top talent in the world,” said Davis, who has signed to play at the University of Kentucky. “We really locked down on defense. Defense leads to offensive fast breaks, and that’s how we got our points. Luckily we came out with the win.”

The USA’s defense limited the World Team to 37.5 percent shooting from the field overall, including just 14.3 percent in the first quarter and 26.8 percent at halftime. Poor shooting meant the World Team was unable to capitalize on its 23 offensive rebounds and its 41-39 rebounding advantage over the USA.

“I was trying to win,” Biyomba said. “We came here; we’ve been practicing for four days. It’s really hard to play like we did today. We tried our best on the court, but something happened.”

The World Team’s Mateusz Ponitka (AZS Politechnika and Poland) put the first points on the board with a three pointer at 9:10, and for the first few minutes of the game the international squad led the Americans. Trailing 7-4, Gilchrist took over and scored the USA’s next seven points, converting an old-fashioned three-point play at 4:44 that gave the USA an 11-9 lead. It was the only lead change of the game as the USA never again trailed. After four U.S. players helped outscore the World Team 9-3 to close the quarter, the red, white and blue headed into the first break up 20-12.

“It’s hard to get a rhythm,” Rivers said. “A lot of us haven’t played with each other. I thought we actually did great for having not ever played with each other. I started out a little bit slow, and then I knocked down a couple shots and after that I just kept going. My teammates did a good job of finding me, and I just tried to get out in the open court because Anthony (Davis), (James) McAdoo and all of those guys were working so hard getting the rebounds. We were just sitting right there waiting so it worked out.”

As was the case throughout the game, the World Team several times threatened to take the lead from the USA in the second period, coming as close as three points, 27-24, following a 3-pointer by Kevin Pangos (Dr Denison HS, Ontario and Canada) at 5:39. Rivers scored eight points in the last 3:20 of the quarter, however, to help the USA take a 42-31 lead to the locker room at halftime.

Davis, who scored the first points of the second half with an alley-oop from Bradley Beal (Chaminade College Prep/St. Louis, Mo.) at 9:22, then scored six more points in the next 2:26 to give the USA a 50-36 lead at 6:56, but was sent to the bench at 6:43 with his third foul. The World Team took advantage and compiled a 6-0 run to cut the lead to eight, 50-42 at 4:51.

Two points from James McAdoo (Norfolk Christian/ Norfolk, Va.) ended the World Team’s streak, while Cook tallied seven of the USA’s next 16 points to help secure a 66-53 lead headed into the final stanza.

While the World Team never surrendered and twice came as close as nine points in the first two minutes of the fourth quarter, the USA had an answer for every attack. Led by eight points from Rivers in the period, eight U.S. players scored to help the USA take its largest lead of the game – a 20 point advantage, 86-66, that came off of a Gilchrist free throw at 3:23.

“We implemented our game plan all week long and I thought the kids really believed in it and they really believed in their own talents,” Sutton said. “So tonight we went out and showed how talented we are, we executed our game plan and I really like how we sustained it over the course of the game.”

Tony Wroten (Garfield H.S./Seattle, Wash.) finished with a game-high five assists, and Davis’ 10 rebounds tied the U.S. Nike Hoop Summit record for rebounds. Tyler Hansbrough also grabbed 10 boards in 2005, as did Jermaine O’Neal in 1996 and Kevin Garnett in 1995.

Additionally, with six attempted 3-pointers, Davis Bertans (Union Olimpija and Latvia) and Portland local Kyle Wiltjer, (Jesuit H.S., Ore. and Canada) tied the international record for 3-pointers attempted. The World Team also tied international Hoop Summit records for field goals attempted with 80 and blocked shots with 11 rejections.

Ponitka was the top scorer for the international squad with 17 points, while Wiltjer added 12.

The Nike Hoop Summit, which sees America's top senior high school players take on a World Select Team consisting of many of the world's top players 19-years-old or younger, has given an extraordinary number of talented youngsters the chance to showcase their abilities. More than 100 Hoop Summit alumni have been drafted into the NBA.

With the win, the USA improves to 11-3 in the 14-game history of the event and has now won the last two Nike Hoop Summits. ... _Score.pdf
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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby lord_slawe_ » 10 Apr 2011, 16:07

Nakon ovakve partije Biyomba ne bih bio iznenadjen da mu se otvori opcija nastavka karijere na nekom od koledza u USA.
Da podsetim, momak je imao problema sa svojim sadasnjim timom Fuenlabradom oko odlaska na Summit i "na svoju ruku" je odlucio da se prikljuci timu ostatka sveta.
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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby Bodi Bond » 10 Apr 2011, 16:15

Dakle, sada je jasno zašto je Miljenović priključen prvom timu FMP-a. :facepalm:
Ja volim taj sex.
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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby bekrinjo » 13 Apr 2011, 13:59

Biyombo Congo is in renewing his visa
The African player has not returned to Fuenlabrada after passing through the Nike Hoop Summit in the United States

Fuenlabrada (Madrid), April 13. 2011 (EFE) .- Bismack Biyombo , Congolese pivot of Fuenlabrada, has not yet returned to the discipline of his team for being in the country to renew visas so they can return to Spain.

Biyombo remained in the United States last week, without the consent of his team, participating in a training week, culminating with a game in which a multinational sporting goods basketball talent gathered 18 years worldwide.

The performance of African pivot in that exhibition game was historic, since it was the first player to achieve a triple-double "in all editions of the event held today.

The return of Biyombo generates a special excitement whenever coach Salva Maldonado told EFE that if he left the United States would never have him, a claim also agreed with management's sport played by its maximum Fuenlabrada responsible, the former player Ferran López .
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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby pohani komarac » 13 Apr 2011, 14:53

lord_slawe_ wrote:Nakon ovakve partije Biyomba ne bih bio iznenadjen da mu se otvori opcija nastavka karijere na nekom od koledza u USA.
Da podsetim, momak je imao problema sa svojim sadasnjim timom Fuenlabradom oko odlaska na Summit i "na svoju ruku" je odlucio da se prikljuci timu ostatka sveta.

on nema pravo igrat na koledzu jer je primo pari i ima profesionalni ugovor. prosijedio bi ko kasun i kanter cijelu sezonu. njegova najrealnija opcija je ipak nba. bice zanimljivo vidit kako ce spanjolci reagirat na ovaj pomalo bezobrazan potez

evo nekoliko igraca iz europe 95. godiste

ovaj nas hezonja je svijetski talent. skocnost, tijelo, visina, dribling, sut....sve ima.....nazalost je i svijetski mangup broj jedan...nesto poput markote i milicica
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Re: Mladi talenti Evrope

Postby lord_slawe_ » 13 Apr 2011, 22:09

pohani komarac wrote:
lord_slawe_ wrote:Nakon ovakve partije Biyomba ne bih bio iznenadjen da mu se otvori opcija nastavka karijere na nekom od koledza u USA.
Da podsetim, momak je imao problema sa svojim sadasnjim timom Fuenlabradom oko odlaska na Summit i "na svoju ruku" je odlucio da se prikljuci timu ostatka sveta.

on nema pravo igrat na koledzu jer je primo pari i ima profesionalni ugovor. prosijedio bi ko kasun i kanter cijelu sezonu. njegova najrealnija opcija je ipak nba. bice zanimljivo vidit kako ce spanjolci reagirat na ovaj pomalo bezobrazan potez

evo nekoliko igraca iz europe 95. godiste

ovaj nas hezonja je svijetski talent. skocnost, tijelo, visina, dribling, sut....sve ima.....nazalost je i svijetski mangup broj jedan...nesto poput markote i milicica

To sam potpuno smetnuo sa uma kada sam postovao onu misao..
U tom slucaju mislim da je bolje za njega da igra u Evropi, najmanje 2 godine, ne verujem da je on u ovom momentu spreman za NBA. Hell, do pre par nedelja bio je maltene potpuna nepoznanica u kosarkaskoj javnosti...

Novi clanak Sports Illustrated-a.

PORTLAND, Ore. -- So how old is this Bismack Biyombo, the African triple-double prodigy who may be in the NBA next season?

"A lot of time people are saying I can't be so young, that I am much older,'' said Biyombo, the 6-foot-9, 243-pound forward/center from Congo who is listed as 18 years old. "It is not the first time I hear this, but I really don't care.''

Biyombo produced the first triple-double ever seen at the Nike Hoop Summit on Saturday, with 12 points (5-of-7 from the field), 11 rebounds and an astonishing 10 blocks in the World Select Team's 92-80 loss to the U.S. Junior National Select Team. The internationals arrived with more size, but the Americans performed as if they were the taller team thanks to their superior athleticism and teamwork. They've been playing together in international competitions, and their cohesion was intimidating from the opening minute. The World players were alarmed by the speed of the game and were forced to hurry their shots against the fast-closing American defenders.

Team USA ran out to a 20-12 lead while blocking six shots and holding the visitors to 3-of-21 shooting (14.3 percent) in the opening quarter. Duke-bound guard Austin Rivers (son of Celtics coach Doc) continued to make a name for himself by going 7-of-11 (3-of-4 from 3-point range) for a game-high 20 points, while the frontcourt play of future Wildcats Anthony Davis (16 points, 10 rebounds) and Michael Gilchrist (16 points and five blocks) suggested that Kentucky will be back in championship contention next season.

All 10 of the players on Team USA are headed to major college programs, and many of them will be drafted in the NBA lottery over the next couple of years. Of more immediate concern to the dozens of NBA scouts in attendance were several members of the World squad who could be in the draft this June.

Chief among them was Biyombo, who exploited his 7-7 wingspan and the most NBA-ready body on the floor. After a disappointing first quarter, the visitors adapted as Biyombo asserted himself defensively and Polish guard Mateusz Ponitka (who scored a team-leading 17 points) attacked the basket. "He runs the floor, he defends and he's cat-quick,'' said an NBA scout of Biyombo. "His offensive skills need to be developed, but his athleticism screams out.''

"He's Ben Wallace, basically,'' said another NBA executive.

The NBA evaluators spent the week guessing at Biyombo's age as they attended the World Team's practices. A half-dozen NBA scouts and executives told me they believed Biyombo was older than his listed age of 18, based not only on his mature body but also his leadership skills, as he led the Internationals through their pre-practice stretches and was their most vocal and energetic player. Questions of his age won't necessarily damage his stock in the draft, as his maturity will be viewed as strength. He is forecasted as a first-round pick with a chance to sneak into the lottery.

When I asked him Thursday how long he had been playing basketball, he postponed the discussion. "I can say that at this time I prefer to focus on the Nike week,'' he said with a grin. "So I will be around here after the game and I'll let people know everything they want to know, and people will question me everything they want to question and I give the answer.''

On Saturday he said he had been playing basketball since he was 12, both on an outdoor court near his home as well as on an indoor floor at his high school.

He began his professional career in Yemen in 2009, and then moved to the Spanish fourth division in 2009-10. He quickly worked his way up to Spain's ACB, the top national league in Europe, where he is currently averaging 6.4 points, 5.1 rebounds and 2.3 blocks in 14 games with the club Fuenlabrada. "The way I play here, I play everywhere,'' he said following the Hoop Summit. "In the ACB I play with a lot of smart guys, I play with a lot of strong guys, and when I step on the court I just want to kill them.''

Biyombo is a highly engaging character. His favorite NBA players are a couple of All-Star power forwards, Kevin Love and Kevin Garnett. "Kevin Garnett is intense player -- every time he's not on the floor, his team is missing him,'' said Biyombo. "I want to (play) defense as a team. I want to help everybody on my team and I want to win the game ... That's what I heard from my first coach, that the good offense is defense. If I block a lot of shots then it's good offense. If I get a lot of rebounds, then it's good offense.''

After the game, Biyombo stood in the locker room and thanked his teammates and coaches for the opportunity to spend the week in their company.

Another potential first-round pick is Brazilian 7-footer Lucas Riva Nogueira, an 18-year-old known as "Bebe'' (Baby). He is a slim 218 pounds, though he has gained 20 pounds in the last year. And while he is extremely raw offensively, he intrigued scouts by driving left-handed from the top of the key to finish with an explosive dunk during practice Friday. But the competition appeared too fast for him Saturday, leaving him with just four points, six rebounds and one block in 13 minutes.

Davis Bertans, a 6-10, 215-pound Latvian forward who plays for Union Olimpija in Slovenia, could also be a first-round pick. "He's a better shooter than Dirk Nowitzki was at the same age,'' said the NBA scout. Though he was a cold 3-of-10 for eight points Saturday, Bertans demonstrated his skill by catching a pass around his ankles and going straight up to convert a corner three.

His father is a coach in Latvia, and as a result Bertans has been playing basketball for as long as he can remember. "Some people say it's like immediately after the birth I was in the gym,'' he said. "My mother said when the ball stopped and there was silence, I was crying; but when somebody was dribbling the ball, I was sleeping.''

A couple of other intriguing Europeans were 6-7 guard Evan Fournier of France, a prolific scorer who plans to enter the draft in 2012, and Croatian Dario Saric, a 6-10, 215-pound forward with the skillset of a point forward, three-point shooter and rebounder. Saric (seven points and six rebounds) was the youngest player in the game -- he celebrated his 17th birthday this week -- and initially was visibly nervous with the ball against the U.S. speed. In the second half, he became more assertive while using his size to rebound, converting a three-pointer and pushing the ball in transition.

One NBA executive cited Saric and Kyle Wiltjer, a 6-10 Canadian forward from Portland (he is committed to Kentucky next season) as the two Internationals with the best upside physically. "There are so many things that can happen over the next few years -- he doesn't mature, or he doesn't improve,'' said another NBA exec of Saric. "But he's a guy with size and a tremendous feel for the game, and to see that at his age is uncommon.''
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