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Boris Dallo

Boris Dallo

Postby Diktator » 14 Nov 2013, 11:47

Avangardin izbor,Boris Dallo


Kako si se prilagodio na Beograd i Partizan?

Dobro sam se prilagodio zivotu u Beogradu,svidja mi se grad,ima lepih mesta i dobrih restorana.Takodje,dobro sam se uklopio u klub,posebno zahvaljujuci mojim zemljacima Vestermanu i Lovernju.

Koja je razlika izmedju Pro A lige i ABA lige?

Francuska Pro A liga je drugacija u odnosu na ABA ligu,igra je vise bazirana na fizickoj pripremi i atleticizmu za razliku od ABA gde je vise naglasak na tehnici.Moras vise da koristis glavu u igri nego li misice.

U kom segmentu mozes najvise da napredujes a sa kojim segmentom svoje igre si zadovoljan?

Najvise gde mogu da napredujem jeste sut.Moram puno da radim na tome da bi postao igrac za koga bi svako mogao da kaze da sam dobar suter.Mislim da sam dobar atleta i da sam brz,te dve osobine mogu materijalizovati u igri na parketu.

Gde si igrao pre nego sto si dosao na INSEP?

Pre nego sto sam stigao na INSEP igrao sam u Hermine De Nantes.Nant je grad gde sam rodjen,ekipa je trenutno clan druge francuske divizije.Tamo sam nastupao kao clan mladjih kategorija i tamo su me primetili skauti INSEPA i pozvali su me da dodjem sto sam ja prihvatio.

Mozes li nam reci nesto vise o INSEPU?

INSEP je korak kada menjas svoj zivot iz korena.To je neka vrsta kampusa,univerziteta,ali za najbolje francuske sportiste u 27 sportova.Svi zivimo zajedno,delimo iskustva,probleme.Boravak u INSEPU te tera da brze odrastes i na terenu i van njega.Ustaje se rano ujutru,ide se u skolu na predavanja,posle toga sleduju treninzi,isto tako i popodne.Savrsena priprema za zivot profesionalnog sportiste.Prve godine novajlije(rukiji) igraju juniorsku(U18) francusku ligu,u drugoj i trecoj godini na INSEPU ekipa igra trecu francusku diviziju.Svestan si da ces izgubiti vecinu meceva jer igras sa starijim i iskusnijim profesionalcima,ali svoj napredak mozes uociti iz nedelje u nedelju.To je veoma vazno za igraca koji ima 17-18 godina.Nakon trece godine INSEP pomaze igracima da pronadju profesionalni angazman ukoliko sami ne mogu da ga izbore i tako nastave svoj razvoj van ove institucije.Treca godina na INSEPU i izbor kluba nakon njega je veoma vazna faza u razvoju igraca.


Koji si cilj postavio sebi u prvoj sezoni u Partizanu?

Naravno da imam svoje ciljeve,ali cu ih zadrzati za sebe(smeh).

Ko ti je najvise pomogao da se adaptiras na Beograd?

Najvise se druzim sa Leom i Zoom,cesto smo zajedno u potrazi za novim dobrim restoranima.Naravno,izlazimo u grad kad imamo vremena.Veoma smo bliski,kao braca rekao bih.


Partizan i Zvezda su najveci rivali u Srbiji.Da li si cuo nesto o ovom rivalstvu pre dolaska u Srbiju?

Naravno da sam cuo za derbi.Vazna utakmica za igrace i navijace.Zo,Leo i moj agent(Materic) su mi pricali o ovom mecu.Bice uzbudljiva utakmica.

Igrao si protiv Silba u Francuskoj,tvoje misljenje o njemu?

Igrao sam protiv Silba,on je u Francuskoj bio velika zvezda Pro A lige.Veoma dobra igrac,moze puno toga da da na terenu.Dobro za Crvenu Zvezdu sto ga je dodala u svoj tim.

Kako se navikavas na treninge u Partizanu ?

Pokusavam da napredujem kroz svaki trening ,mnogo toga je u glavi, moras da pokazes karakter, da ne odustajes. Trener je jako zahtevan i za sebe i za nas, moramo da jako radimo svakog dana i to je ono sto mi se dopada ovde.

Da li vidis sebe u NBA ligi u buducnosti ?

Ne zelim da zvucim neskromno, ali rekao bih da. Radim svakog dana da odem u tu ligu koja je najbolja na svetu. Moram da nastavim da radim i Partizan je deo toga.


Omiljeni saigrac sa kojim si igrao ?

Tony Dobbins. On je all around igrac, moze sve da uradi. Mnogo je dobar u odbrani, igra sa jako puno energije. On je meni kao veliki brat, pomogao mi je dosta prosle godine u Poitersu.

Omiljeno jelo ?
Pirinac sa piletinom i neka vrsta and neka vrsta kikiriki sosa iz Afrike.
Trojka ili zakucavanje ? Zakucavanje
Omiljeni film? Never back down
Mesto tvojih snova ? Mesto mojih snova : Gde ce cela moja familija biti na okupu u isto vreme kako bih mogao da uzivam sa njima.
Bez cega ne mozes? Moja Muzika.

Avangarda's choice,Boris Dallo

How did you adapted in Belgrade and Partizan ?

I adapt very well to Belgrade , i like it hère there is nice places and good restaurant , i adapt well in Partizan too and mostly thanks to my French teammates.

What is the difference between France Pro A League in relation to the ABA League and Euroleague?

Pro A is a different championship when you compare to Aba Liga , Pro A is more physical more athletic hère it s more technic , you have to play more with head than with your muscle .

What is the element in basketball where you think you can most to improve, and currently the best basketball element?

The most where i can improve is the shoot i have à lot to do to become à player who everybody can say hé is à shooter,i think im à good athlete im fast and Quick so i can use those quality for play .

Where did you play before joining the Insep, where they scouted you ?

I play in Hermine De Nantes before to came in INSEP it s the Town where i was born they curently play in 2nd French Division . They scout me in youth selection i played good and they offer me so i took it.

Can you tell us more INSEP describe the project , a way of life , as the players arrive , etc. .. ?

INSEP is the step that change your Life it s more like à campus like university but for the best french athletes in 27sports we all live together and share expériences it s a thing that make you growin up faster on the court and off to. You go to school early in morning and go training after and do the same in afternoon they prepare you as a professional sports Life . The 1st year you play in under 18 french championship but only the rookie play in this team after that you have 2nd and 3rd year player play in 3rd division you know that you.will lost most of the games but you progress every week and can see where are you and play against pro player when you 17-18years old . After those 3years they help you to find à professional contract if you can prétend to have it or they try to lookin for a pro team who can continue to form you and prépare you as à pro player.very important step this last year.

What goals did you set yourself in his first season in Partizan?

Of course i have some goals but i Will keep it for me haha

Who do you most helpful to adapted ? How are you Leo and Zo help it and if you occasionally someone comes to visit?

With Léo and Jo we re oftenly together try to find good restaurant and of course go in the city when we have Time we re very close together like Brothers i Will say.

Partizan and Crvena zvezda are big rivals. Do you hear anything about it before coming to Serbia?

Of course i heard about this derby this is crucial game for both teams and especially for fans too , i know it because Jo and Léo and our agent talk me a lot about this and it Will be à exciting game .

You played against Schib in France. Your opinion of him?

I play against schilb hé was à kind of Big star in french championship hé is talented player can do à lot on the court good thing for red star to add him on théir roster.

How you getting used on hard practises in Partizan?

Im trying to get better in every practice , à lot of part is on the head you must show your character that you dont want to give up to improve , coach is exigent about himself and us too so we must keep working every day thats what i like hère.

Do you see yourself in the future in the NBA. ?

Without being prétentious i Would say yes i work every day for this go in this league wich is the best and i must keep working and partizan is à part of it .

Favorite player from France league?

Tony Dobbins all around player can do everything and hé is especially à very good défensive player à,d play with lot of energy i like him as à Big Brother hé help me a lot last year in Poitiers.

Favourite dish? Rice with chicken and kind of peanuts sauce from Africa
Three point or dunk ? Dunk
Favorite movie ? Never back down
The place of your dreams ? Place of my dream : where all my family can be in same Time and enjoy with them
You can not do without ? My music.

Kraj sjaji sjajem novog pocetka.
Bol je privremen,ponos je vecan.
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