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Izvan i iza turnira

Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby alcesta » 17 Apr 2015, 21:29

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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby Gama » 05 May 2015, 00:08

Zabava u Madridu

Kako izgleda Safina :crybaby:
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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby alcesta » 08 May 2015, 14:29

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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby Gama » 11 May 2015, 16:35

Vrlo zanimljiv ovaj dubl, Vasek i Sok :biggrin:
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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby Houdini » 12 May 2015, 18:15

Пре свега се заборавља у каквој земљи радимо и да се упорно и систематски ради на гашењу ККП, са приоритетом да Жељко не остане. Човек ради у ненормалним условима. Свакодневно.
Има осећај кривице што клуб трпи јер није хтео да подржи мурата.
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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby Gama » 23 May 2015, 14:28

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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby alcesta » 24 May 2015, 22:32

Ove godine organizacija je baš na nivou u svakom pogledu :laugh: zvanični sajt RG je pustio članak o Vavrinkinom razvodu, njegovoj ženi i Doni Vekić, a Stan je poludeo kad je to video :biggrin: skinuli su ga kasnije, naravno.

'Completely stupid article,' said Wawrinka later. 'It's the official website of a Grand Slam, so I hope the guy who did that article is not a journalist. I also hope the guy who is supposed to check all the articles on the website is not working anymore for the tournament. Because for me, for a Grand Slam website, it should be an article about the tennis and that's it.
'I saw the article last night. I told the tournament that I wasn't really happy about it, and I don't think it was great for the tournament to do that s*** article. That's it. ... z3b5qhTnW3
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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby Milutinov Tata » 25 May 2015, 05:24

Kako izgleda sajt RG ove godine nista me ne cudi. Madrid im je uzor :negative:
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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby Starsica » 26 May 2015, 23:57

Ferer se ženi :)
Ferrer: "I'm getting married in November but, tennis wise, nothing will change. Either for good or for bad" ;)
Novi pristup učenju engleskog jezika, bez učenja gramatike i dosadnih časova, učenje jezika kroz konverzaciju. Potrebno je minimalno znanje jezika, sve ostalo prepustite meni :D
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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby Gama » 27 May 2015, 00:36

Stvarno je red bio da se i on ozeni, zbog Marte pre svega. Mada koliko primecujem, Spanci (ogradjujem se na tenisere :biggrin: ) se kasnije odlucuju na brak.
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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby Starsica » 27 May 2015, 11:34

Rafu pitali za Bernandesa:
Q. Can you tell me what happened with Bernardes? Is it true the situation he cannot umpire your matches, or do you know anything about it? Because I read it, but I have no exactly the clue what happened.
RAFAEL NADAL: Is easy, no? There is a lot of umpires on the tour. I respect a lot Bernardes. I consider him a great umpire and a good person, but I think when you have some troubles with the same umpire, sometimes it's easy to stay for a while away, no? I think that's the real thing. I think is better for both of us if we are not in court at the same time for a while after what happened in Rio de Janeiro. That's it. No problem with him personally.

Q. But not your request?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, it was my request, and the ATP talking about -- well, I asked if it's possible, but nothing personal against him 100%. I respect him like umpire, I respect him like person, and I consider him a good person more than that. So for me is not -- I am not happy with that situation. That's the first thing. Because I would love to have Bernardes on the court again. Will happen, but, you know, I think for both of us it is better to have a break, you know. We had some problems. For me he hasn't -- he was not enough respectful with me in Rio de Janeiro . That was my feeling when I put my shorts the other way. He wants to put me warnings four times, that's fine. But if I put my shorts other way and I ask him if I can change my shorts, I can put my shorts the right way, and his answer is, Yes, but you will receive a time warning. For me, that's not fair, you know, (smiling.) When something like that, something like this did happen on court, that I think is not fair. I think is, you know, shows not respect, because I cannot play a full game with the shorts the other way. So it's better. It's better to be away for a while. That's all. No personal problem with him, no? Seriously, I'm not saying that because I am in front of you. I respect him, I like him, but he was not right. And I believe that is for relationship and everything is better to be away for a bit.

A zatim i Novakovo mišljenje o tome (ne o Bernandesu, nego generalno):
Q. Obviously players deal with the same umpires over and over again. You know them really well. Have you ever, in your entire career, felt the need or happen to ask for a certain umpire not to umpire your matches?

Q. Is it common practice or is it normal for that to happen?
NOVAK DJOKOVIC: No, no, no. Honestly, I never thought of that. Chair umpires are humans, as well. We all make mistakes. Maybe periods of the year when a chair umpire is more or less confident to make certain calls and decisions, and of course, they need to be strongly participating in the match, as well. They need focus and attention, especially the surfaces where you don't have marks like clay and have to make certain calls with, of course, a time limit that is now a new rule, puts a lot of pressure on them. So I understand it. Of course, you go through tense moments, emotions on the court, as a player and as a chair umpire. You make mistakes. There are some chair umpires in some matches that I remember that I wasn't very happy with how they did their job, but I never thought of requesting a chair umpire not to ever or whatever, for a certain time, be a chair umpire in my matches. I don't think that's fair. I don't think that's fair to them. You know, they do their job as best as they can. Of course, sometimes they do it better or worse.

Mislim da Nadal sebi daje previše slobode i da mu se ta sloboda toleriše zbog imena. Nadam se da će shvatiti da nije veći od samog sporta.
Novi pristup učenju engleskog jezika, bez učenja gramatike i dosadnih časova, učenje jezika kroz konverzaciju. Potrebno je minimalno znanje jezika, sve ostalo prepustite meni :D
Stars drži časove engleskog, poruka u inboks za dogovor. Cimanje stop :D
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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby alcesta » 27 May 2015, 23:17

Starsica wrote:Mislim da Nadal sebi daje previše slobode i da mu se ta sloboda toleriše zbog imena. Nadam se da će shvatiti da nije veći od samog sporta.

A kako će shvatiti kad mu ovo očigledno prolazi? Tražio je da se makne sudija i maknut je. Ja sam kao njegov navijač jako razočarana svim ovim. Izgleda doduše da ima neko pravilo koje dozvoljava da igrač traži izuzeće jednog sudije ako ima dobar razlog, ali ako je ovo što Rafa navodi dobar razlog za ATP, nemam reči. :wacko:
Zapravo, ne mogu ni da krivim Rafu. Krivi su ovi što mu sve tolerišu, počev od vremenskog ograničenja. Ako je Novak mogao da smanji broj tapkanja loptice i pauze između servisa, može i on. Ali očigledno ne mora, pa zašto bi...
Bernardes je iskidao od smeha dok je Rafa menjao šorc. A kako ne bi? :laugh: I Rafa se uvredio :tap:
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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby Gama » 28 May 2015, 01:13

Rafa se uvredio jer je dobio opomenu zbog prekoracenja vremena a prekoracio je zbog menjanja sorca :biggrin: Valjda je izgubio prvi servis a mozda i ceo poen ako je to bila 2 opomena po redu. Za sudiju su nebitni razlozi prekoracenja vec samo cinjenica da li je igrac prekoracio tih 25s ili nije, na GS-u je 20s. A da je Rafa svilen, svilen je. Kaze Rafa da nema vremena ni da razmisli kako da odigra poen zbog tog brzanja.

Evo i Vavinog misljenja, ima logike u tome sto kaze

Stan Wawrinka says chair umpires are not as strict on top players for fear of losing the opportunity to work finals.

Following his Roland Garros second-round win today, Wawrinka was asked if he had ever requested a chair umpire not work his match as Rafael Nadal has done in asking umpire Carlos Bernardes not work his matches.

Wawrinka confirmed he had made such a request, but believes it should only be granted "if the umpire has made mistakes or faults."

The 2014 Australian Open champion suggested some umpires are apprehensive about enforcing time-violation rules over concerns they will fall from favor with top players and not be selected to officiate finals.

"I'm not aware of Rafa's motivations. I have read a few articles that said that it would be about the pressure this particular umpire put on him with regards to timing," Wawrinka said. "So you need to be more strict about the 25 seconds, and umpires don't all keep the same watch for all players because they know that if they have trouble with one of the top players and they can't be on their match, well, tough for them, because they like being there for the finals, and if they have problems with top players it becomes difficult with them."

The Swiss said those concerns can create a double-standard enforcing rules.

"So that's the problem we have on the tour with regards to particular rules," Wawrinka said. "Umpires are not as strict on the center court when they are with the top players as compared to when they are on court No. 17."

Wawrinka said player requests should only be honored in the case of umpire errors and not because of personality conflicts.

"I have already made such request over a short period of time for direct problems and issues I had with the umpire," Wawrinka said. "So when a player makes such a request, it should be granted only if the umpire has made mistakes or faults. If it's just because you don't like the person, this request should not be accepted." ... vERgW.dpuf
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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby alcesta » 28 May 2015, 11:40

Gama wrote:Rafa se uvredio jer je dobio opomenu zbog prekoracenja vremena a prekoracio je zbog menjanja sorca :biggrin:

Tako je rekao, ali nije mu to prva opomena, i dalje mislim da mu ne bi toliko smetalo da se sudija nije smejao, inače ne bi pominjao nedostatak poštovanja. Btw, ne sećam se je li mu Eva Azderaki više sudila posle one frke na AO?
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Re: Izvan i iza turnira

Postby Gama » 01 Jun 2015, 00:37

O Busar, Simoni ali ponajvise o Gulbisu govori njegov trener

Former Breakthrough Players Endure Breakdowns in Paris

While last year’s luminaries, Bouchard and Gulbis, take the roller coaster back down the rankings, the Novak Djokovics and the Roger Federers have managed a much steadier ride through the seasons. Yes, they are phenomenally talented and well supported with longstanding teams of trainers, physiotherapists and dual coaches.

But there is something more at work, too.

“They make sure they don’t step into all the little holes,” said Gunter Bresnik, the veteran Austrian coach who has had to live with (and without) Gulbis in recent years.

“In Austria we have this expression, where we say some people step into every trap,” Bresnik continued. “Wherever there’s a place to slip, they will find it, the one flower petal in the whole room. Ernests is doing this right now. Djokovic and Federer, they see there is a petal, and they draw a circle around it. Ernests just goes right for it. If there’s a possibility to make a mistake, he makes it.”

One would love to be a Viennese fly on the wall for Bresnik’s training sessions with Gulbis. You can imagine Bresnik, who once coached Boris Becker, giving it to Gulbis straight, and you can imagine Gulbis — a natural-born communicator — trying to mold it into a rather different shape.

But they are back together again, after a breakup earlier this season, and Gulbis is in serious need of help. After reaching the semifinals here last year and then breaking into the top 10, he has won just three singles matches all year and is ranked No. 24.

“Three matches!” Bresnik said. “It’s incredible.”

Gulbis’s latest defeat — to the French veteran Nicolas Mahut, 6-3, 3-6, 7-5, 6-3, in the second round — will send his ranking plummeting into the 80s.

“The question is, can he another time come up with so much energy to make a comeback?” Bresnik said. “I don’t know. To go to Kitzbuhel, Gstaad, Umag to make the ranking come up again? I don’t know. He needs a lot of effort from the people surrounding him. A lot of everything. A lot of attention.”

The tools are still there. That was clear watching him against Mahut,
still best known for losing the longest tennis match in history to John Isner at Wimbledon in 2010.

Gulbis can still rip the serve, can still come up with ridiculously good and instinctive shots with his best stroke, the two-handed backhand. He can still blast, caress, blast and caress the ball, all in a matter of a few seconds.

But the rhythm is off; the confidence, too. It is a question of shot selection; it is a question of thought selection. And in Gulbis’s active mind, it is also a question of inadequate preparation.

Asked if he was 100 percent clear why he reached the semifinals last year and went out in the second round this year, he nodded his head under his sweatshirt hood.

“Yes, full understanding,” he said, explaining that his shoulder problems, which began last August on the North American hardcourt swing, cut his practice time in the off-season down far too much.

“I don’t want to put too much emphasis on the mental side,” he said. “If, for example, there are two people, O.K.? And they are working exactly the same amount of hours and hit exactly the same amount of balls and have exactly the same body, height, strength and everything, then the difference in who is going to win is who is mentally stronger. But you have to understand that you have to put emphasis first on the physical side. If you are ready like nobody else is ready, what kind of mental thing is there?

“I’m so confident that you wake me up in the middle of the night, and I’m going to be able to hit this shot, whatever comes to me, because I did it 10,000 times in practice.”

On Wednesday, last year’s impressive focus was long gone, replaced by distracted driving.

“It’s true that it’s tough with what’s going on across the net,” Mahut said. “Because the flow of the match is completely disrupted. You think he’s going to serve and instead he talks. He talks to people, to the birds, to the umpire.”
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