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Teniski komentatori

Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby Gama » 30 Apr 2013, 19:44

:laugh: alcesta i komentatori, vecita borba :laugh:
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby Opojni zumbul » 23 May 2013, 16:40

Koliko neiformisanosti i nelogičnosti od strane Smiljana Banjca. Jutros bacim pobled na snimak Tomija Hasa i Ivana Dodiga u u tri minuta obaranje rekorda u debiloznosti. Prvo kaže da je Has u Majamiju ispustio šansu da se plasira u svoje deveto polufinale na masters turnirima jer je u polufinalu izgubio od Davida Ferera a na putu do četvrtfinala pobedio je tenisere poput Novaka Đokovića i Davida Ferera a još kaže da je Has postao najstariji teniser koji je dobio broja jedan još od 1974. a poslednji put je neki teniser od 35 ili više godina dobio broja 2000.
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby alcesta » 28 May 2013, 22:18

Je li ovo Ceronja prenosio Bartoli i Govorcovu? "To je ta beloruska škola vrištanja" :laugh:
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby Starsica » 28 May 2013, 22:19

Jao, cula sam to ali sam bila ubedjena da nisam cula dobro. Boze :facepalm:
Novi pristup učenju engleskog jezika, bez učenja gramatike i dosadnih časova, učenje jezika kroz konverzaciju. Potrebno je minimalno znanje jezika, sve ostalo prepustite meni :D
Stars drži časove engleskog, poruka u inboks za dogovor. Cimanje stop :D
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby alcesta » 29 May 2013, 20:58

Izgleda da i na RG radiju ima zanimljivih stvari za vreme kiše :biggrin:
The story for today is what I heard on Roland Garros' radio channel. There another colleague, and fellow writer, Matt Cronin, was wiling away the soggy hours in the studio with fellow host Gigi Salmon.

Their conversation sounded like cross between a pub debate and a relationship-advice program, with a little slumber-party speculation thrown in on the side. Matt said that the relationship between RedFoo and Vika Azarenka is a “Grand Slam win”—for which of them, I wasn’t sure. He said he thought Kei Nishikori and Urszula Radwanska would make a good couple, and that it’s harder for the women to date on tour than it is for the men, who “can pick up a different model every week” at the ATP’s player parties. Sticking with that subject, Matt and Gigi tried to imagine who might make a plausible boyfriend for Marion Bartoli. If an answer ever came, I didn’t catch it.

In between, there were discussions about why England has so few clothes-drying machines; which is better for chopping wood—an axe or a chainsaw; and whether or not it’s possible to verify if someone has a photographic memory. Cronin and Salmon also had a brief argument about how to pronounce Lucie Hradecka’s last name. It sounded like a touchy subject.

As I was tuned in, play began again, but I quickly realized that I had no idea what was going on, because I was laughing at Matt as he speculated about what one of his co-hosts might look like “as a dominatrix.”
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby alcesta » 30 May 2013, 19:25

Pešikan o polufinalu RG 2008: "Ana je dobila u dva seta, bilo je 2:1" :biggrin:
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby Opojni zumbul » 01 Jun 2013, 12:50

Što ne volim kad ne govore kalendarski godinu, Banjac sada kaže da je Nišikori godinu dana mlađi od Benoa Per a obojica su rođeni '89.
Takođe odvali i da su sestre Vilijams i Slon Stivens najbolje prijateljice i da često treniraju zajedno te je Slon pod budnim okom Serene :biggrin:
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby alcesta » 04 Jun 2013, 22:14

Nisam gledala većinu mečeva juče, samo sam deo uhvatila. Može li neko da mi objasni šta je to u meču sa Kolšrajberom Banjac pričao o Cakanom Caji? :krsti: :laugh:
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby Gama » 04 Jun 2013, 22:32

Nemam pojma, kad igra Novak ne cujem ih sta pricaju, toliko se unesem :laugh:
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby alcesta » 04 Jun 2013, 22:37

Blago tebi kad možeš :(
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby alcesta » 04 May 2014, 18:28

Koji ovo genije prenosi meč Kerber-Garsija na SK?
Čita raspored za sutra pa kaže:
"Zanimljivo, nigde nema meča Bojane Jovanovski protiv Karin Knap. Onda će one najverovatnije prekosutra, pošto nigde ne mogu da nađem informaciju da li je neka od njih možda predala meč".
I will not walk your dusty path and flat,
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby Opojni zumbul » 28 May 2014, 10:26

Banjac Džini oslovljava sa Bučard a u Aginom meču je Šuaj Žang pričao o Šuaj Peng i govorio njene rezultate u sezoni, karijeri...
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby Pit Bull » 28 May 2014, 10:33

Opojni zumbul wrote:Banjac Džini oslovljava sa Bučard a u Aginom meču je Šuaj Žang pričao o Šuaj Peng i govorio njene rezultate u sezoni, karijeri...

Klasa :laugh: Pa juce su mu Kumkum i Pereira bili Tajlandjanin i Brazilac a de Sepera je prekrstio u de Skipera...
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby Hezonja » 28 May 2014, 12:53

Granoljores, Svedova, Zarem itd...
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Re: Teniski komentatori

Postby alcesta » 29 May 2014, 00:05

Jao, morala sam da prebacim na RTS da ne bih više slušala o Žaromu Šardiju koliko me iznervirao :tap: a još sam stigla tek na 3. set, mogu misliti ko je to slušao od početka...
Bušar je ovaj put bila Eudženi Bušard (svaki put drukčije), Tomljanović je obavezno Alja i mislim da će tako i ostati, ali napredak je što su sa Janovica konačno prešli na Janoviča, a ko zna, vremenom možda mu i ime nauče...
Francuska imena su ipak beznadežan slučaj, mada tu ni ovi sa SK ne zaostaju mnogo.
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