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Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Nowitzki.ct » 04 Mar 2014, 12:45

Džini je rano jutros po našem vremenu skoknula do Los Anđelesa, tačnije do Stejpls Centra gdje je dala podršku hokejašima Montreal Kenedijensa u duelu sa domaćim Kingsima. Bila je u društvu, ništa manje do svježeg GS šampiona, Stena Vavrinke. Nisu donijeli sreću Kenedijensima koji su poraženi sa 2-1, ali lijepo su se proveli u kultnoj dvorani.





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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby alcesta » 04 Mar 2014, 12:48

Šta tek njegova žena da kaže :biggrin:
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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Nowitzki.ct » 04 Mar 2014, 12:53

Nema što da kaže, samo da stane sa mnom i Mašom u alijansu protiv Džininih udvarača :biggrin: We hate 'em all !
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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Nowitzki.ct » 07 Mar 2014, 14:29

Večeras od 21:30 Džini otvara turnir u pustinji. Rivlka će joj biti Kineskinja Šuai Peng protiv koje nije igrala do sada. Nik Savijano će biti uz Kanađanku na ovom turniru što može biti značajno u pogledu samopouzdanja a samim tim i rezultata.

A sad malo razgibavanja:

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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Nowitzki.ct » 08 Mar 2014, 00:52

Sjajna igra Kanađanke za ubjedljiv trijumf nad kineskom teniserkom za 64 minuta igre 6:2, 6:2 na terenu broj 3. Pet brejkova, pregršt vinera (15 samo u prvom setu), te agresivna igra bile su dovoljne da se savlada Peng. Dobar utisak pred okršaj sa Erani u svakom slučaju.



Evo i kompletnog meča. Bila su 2 totalno breathtaking poena. Prvi u prvom setu, ne mogu da ga nađem, a drugi počinje na 57:00 snimka. Zaista magičan viner za Džini :hatman:
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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Nowitzki.ct » 08 Mar 2014, 16:54

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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Nowitzki.ct » 10 Mar 2014, 23:01

Džini se u drugom kolu poigravala sa 6. nositeljkom Italijankom Erani, prepustila joj 5 gemova, ispalila 36 vinera za konačnih 6:2, 6:3. U narednoj rundi čeka je Rumunka Halep protiv koje još nije igrala u karijeri. Nije favorit, ali će itekako imati šta da kaže. No da prije toga bacimo pogled na Džinino dvorište u Montrealu:



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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Nowitzki.ct » 11 Mar 2014, 13:36

Odgovori na pitanja fanova na Google + Hangout-u:

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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Nowitzki.ct » 15 Mar 2014, 13:18

Nakon eliminacije sa Indijan Velsa, Džini je imala i malo vremena za relaksaciju. Išla je na karting, oprobala se i u mini golfu



A onda se i vratila treninzima i pripremi za Majami:


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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Nowitzki.ct » 18 Mar 2014, 15:00

Džini je, baš kao i moja malenkost, obilježila St. Patrick's Day. Za sve koji nisu znali Džini je i 1/4 Irkinja :D pa evo i slika koje su presimpatične. Srećno u Majamiju!


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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Nowitzki.ct » 24 Mar 2014, 15:17

Ako je nekoga čudilo rano ispadanje u Majamiju, misterija je riješena.



Neka pita Anu za ovoga prvoga "znalca" (kojeg de Baker izuva iz cipela), a neka konsultuje negativnu listu rekorda za ovoga drugog "vječnog talenta"... :puke: :puke: :puke:
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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby alcesta » 24 Mar 2014, 16:11

Mislim da drugi ima mnogo pogubniji uticaj :D
Mada, ona se bar trudi kad igra loše. Ja se u zadnje vreme pitam je li Sloun Stivens počela da se druži sa Tomićem, jer na terenu sve više deluje kao on.
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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Gama » 28 Mar 2014, 00:07

@geniebouchard: When I met the great @BillieJeanKing #ThrowbackThursday

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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Nowitzki.ct » 01 Apr 2014, 09:36

Selimo se u Čarlston gdje je Džini već u vrhu liste omiljenih teniserki po glasovima fanova (odmah iza neprikosnovene Serene Vilijams). Turnir otvara protiv Ruskinje Kudrjavcove.



"The Family Circle Cup, April 4th to 12th, 2015. We'll see you there," Eugenie Bouchard said, squinting through sunshine at a camera. "Genie. Can we get you to finish with a smile?" "I'll try," the 20-year-old Canadian said with a giggle.

No problem for Bouchard, the latest prime candidate for the future face of women's tennis. This week's Family Circle Cup has a great group of young Americans, but no one on Daniel Island shines brighter with potential than Bouchard.

She gets it. The WTA is selling her look as well as her game, but Bouchard seems to have the head for career management, on and off the court. "Outside attention is great," she said Monday. "But if there's no tennis, no one will really care. So I know I have to perform on the court and that's the reason I'm here."

Bouchard was asked if WTA players think of her differently now. "I don't know," Bouchard said. "They can think what they want. I'm just focused on myself."

"The main thing is just requests," Bouchard said. "My agent will say, 'Don't do this' or 'Don't do that' and I think it's important to say no to a few things just because it will take up so much time. The most important thing is my time on the practice court and fitness. After I get all those things done, then I can go and do something else."

A Family Circle Cup website poll Monday asked fans to vote for the player they were "most excited to see." Two-time defending champ Serena Williams was the runaway leader with 560 votes. Bouchard was second with 185, well ahead of everyone else.

"She's made huge improvements in the last couple of years," WTA veteran Samantha Stosur said Monday. "Now she's made the semi of a Grand Slam. She has a good game and she's still young and there are still lots of ways she can improve. I think she's going to be an exciting player for years to come."
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Re: Eugenie Bouchard - Princeza Džini

Postby Nowitzki.ct » 03 Apr 2014, 09:50

Ubjedljivih 6:2, 6:0 u drugoj rundi Čarlstona, i zakazan duel sa starijom sestrom Vilijams, večeras oko 19h.


Intervju nakon meča

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