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Agnieska Radwanska

Re: Agnieska Radwanska

Postby alcesta » 14 May 2014, 19:57

I will not walk your dusty path and flat,
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Re: Agnieska Radwanska

Postby Opojni zumbul » 22 May 2014, 11:07

Letnju, Američku turneju Aga počinje u Stenfordu.
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Re: Agnieska Radwanska

Postby Opojni zumbul » 11 Aug 2014, 14:43

Posle par krizni rezultata, najviše debakla na Vimbldonu.
14. titula. Treća uzastopna pobeda nad Venus Vilijams, revanš Makarovoj i Lisicki, po prvi put vezana pobeda nad Azarenkom i do sad naujbeljivija. Prva u Kanadi, treća u Severnoj Americi, četvrta od velikih Premier turnira.

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Re: Agnieska Radwanska

Postby alcesta » 03 Dec 2014, 21:36

Udarac godine: ... f-the-year

Agnieszka Radwanska will work with a "tennis legend" as an advisor to help her grab that elusive Slam (via @angelikf)
I will not walk your dusty path and flat,
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your world immutable wherein no part
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I bow not yet before the Iron Crown,
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Re: Agnieska Radwanska

Postby Opojni zumbul » 09 Dec 2014, 01:46

Martina Navratilova je Agin novi trener.

Agnieszka Radwanska might have just taken a big step towards winning that elusive first Grand Slam title - she's added supercoach Martina Navratilova to her team.
Published December 08, 2014 12:15

Radwanska's New Coach: Navratilova Agnieszka Radwanska
KRAKOW, Poland - There's been a trend in tennis lately, particularly on the men's side, for top players to hire "supercoaches" - former top players, usually legendary players - to help push them to the next level. In many cases it's worked, for example Andy Murray's breakthroughs with Ivan Lendl.

On Monday night, the supercoach trend made its way to the women's side through a single tweet:

Last week, Agnieszka Radwanska told the Polish press she would be hiring a supercoach - she didn't name names, but she did say they were a former Grand Slam winner with coaching experience.

It would hard to top Martina Navratilova as a supercoach. Navratilova won 59 Grand Slam titles - 18 in singles, 31 in doubles and 10 in mixed doubles. She also reached World No.1 in both disciplines, spending 332 weeks as World No.1 in singles and a record 237 weeks as World No.1 in doubles.

This is Navratilova's first major coaching role and she will join forces with Tomasz Wiktorowski to become part of Radwanska's coaching team. They will begin working together after Christmas.

"I did not sleep very well last night, thinking about getting back into match mode and the competitions," Navratilova said of the new partnership with Radwanska. "I am really excited about this opportunity to join Agnieszka's team and work with Tomasz and it is going to be a fun challenge. I was delighted when Agnieszka asked me if I would collaborate with Tomasz and I can't wait to get started."

"I am absolutely delighted that Martina has agreed to help me and my team next season," Radwanska said. "She is my idol in tennis and I am honored we will be working together. Her achievements speak for themselves and I hope that I can learn from all her experience. My goal is to win a Grand Slam, so to have someone with Martina's accomplishments in my corner is going to be hugely advantageous and give me a big boost. We are originally from a similar part of the world so we share an understanding about tennis and life, which I'm sure will translate into a successful relationship."

Radwanska's current coach, Wiktorowski, echoed the excitement. "I have been discussing this idea with Aga for a couple of months now and Martina is absolutely the perfect person to add to the camp.
Opojni zumbul
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Re: Agnieska Radwanska

Postby alcesta » 16 Dec 2014, 20:34

I will not walk your dusty path and flat,
denoting this and that by this and that,
your world immutable wherein no part
the little maker has with Maker's art.
I bow not yet before the Iron Crown,
nor cast my own small golden sceptre down.
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Re: Agnieska Radwanska

Postby Opojni zumbul » 11 Jan 2015, 01:11

Prvi Hopman kup i prva pobeda nad Serenom Vilijams, doduše neće ući u zvaničnu statistiku jer je turnir revijalni ali nije na odmet spomenuti.
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Re: Agnieska Radwanska

Postby Opojni zumbul » 06 Mar 2015, 15:31

Od danas se i Aga komotno ubraja u red teniskih veteranki. Ušla je u drugu polovinu dvadesetih.
Opojni zumbul
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